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Isabella is a doctoral student in the Agriculture and Environment for Development program at the University of Santiago de Compostela. She works as a researcher at the Center for Biotechnology Studies and is the program coordinator of the Technology Transfer Office at Universidad del Valle de Guatemala. Thorough her career she has worked in R&D in collaboration with industry using biotechnology as a tool to increase production efficiency. She has delivered serval innovation workshops and participated in workshops to strengthen the innovation ecosystem in Latin America. She is part of the OWSD, participates in the Intersectoral Technical Commission of Biotechnology and in the Technical Committee of Agricultural Biosafety in Guatemala. Since 2019, in collaboration with CEPAL and Guatemala’s National Secretary of Science and Technology, she is helping a project to design and launch Guatemala’s bioeconomy strategy.


Contact: igarcia[at]


Publications and activities

Taracena ML, Garcia Caffaro I, Paiva-Silva GO, Oliveira PL, Rendon PA, Dotson EM, Pennington PM. Delivery of Double-Stranded RNAs (dsRNAs) Produced by Escherichia coli HT115(DE3) for Nontransgenic RNAi-Based Insect Pest Management. Methods Mol Biol. 2022; 2360:279-294. doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-1633-8_20. PMID: 34495521.

Coma, P., Castillo, S., Arriola, E., García, I., Velásquez, T., & Figueredo, A. (2021). CloneTech: Start- up and University collaboration in IoT Precision Agriculture (No. 31365). INCAE Cases. Universidad del Valle de Guatemala.

Arriola, E., García, I., Velásquez, T., Coma, P., Castillo, S., Figueredo, A., & Cátedra René Morales deEmprendimiento.(2021). AlimentodelSigloXXI:NüFood(No.31361).INCAECases.INCAE.

Garcia, I., Farchi, D., Álvarez, C., & Kim, S. (2019). Comportamiento de Klebsiella pneumoniae en ambiente de microgravedad simulada a distintos pH y concnetraciones de carbenicilina . Revista de la Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, (37): 109-11

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